Welcome to Kayla’s Children Centre

Kayla’s Children Centre (KCC) is a school, therapy clinic, and summer camp for children with disabilities, behavioural challenges, and complex medical needs. The centre supports children ages 6 weeks to 21 years who have a wide range of disabilities and provides a variety of specialized programs that enable them to flourish academically, socially, and emotionally. KCC also offers personalized supports and respite for families.

KCC’s programs include a licensed day care and specialized school; on-site therapy centre; after-school and weekend respite; adapted sports; life skills programs for teens; a state-of-the-art hydrotherapy centre; and day and overnight camps.

KCC was founded in May 2017 as the result of the merger of Zareinu Educational Centre of Metropolitan Toronto (founded in 1989) and Project AIM Programs (founded in 2007).

Our centre is named in honour of Kayla Serruya, a vivacious young woman with Down syndrome and former Zareinu student. Kayla’s family made a transformative donation to our organization, and we are forever grateful to the Serruya family for their unbelievable generosity.

KCC’s Mission & Vision

Our mission is to provide high-quality, cutting-edge educational, therapeutic, and recreational programs for children with disabilities, and to assist their families by offering support and respite. The Centre embraces children of all abilities, religious affiliations, and needs, and is rich in Jewish education and tradition.

Our vision is a community of support and a future filled with possibilities for children with disabilities and their families.

When I met with the staff and therapists at camp, I was so happy my child would be maintaining her therapeutic goals over the summer. When I saw the joy on her face, I knew she was also having the time of her life!

Former Camp Parent

Other people see a kid in a wheelchair and think of what she can’t do, here they show us what she CAN do.

Julie, Maya's mom

Board of Directors

Daniel Gordon, Co-Chair
Hadassah Slater, Co-Chair
Doris Bistricer
Gerald Greenberg
Robert Grunwald
Danny Joseph
Chaim Rutman
Jeremy Silver
Dr. Jory Simpson
Ronnie Strauss
Zev Zlotnick